Wednesday, September 1, 2010

if you want enjoy and be happy for...

if you want enjoy and be happy for a day, organize a party,
if you want enjoy and be happy for a week, go for a vacation,
if you want enjoy and be happy for a year, grow a garden,
if you want enjoy and be happy for a lifetime, develop human beings...

in malays...

kalau saudara hendak seronok dan bahagia untuk sehari, adakan parti,
kalau saudara hendak seronok dan bahagia untuk seminggu, pergilah bercuti,
kalau saudara hendak seronok dan bahagia untuk setahun, berkebunlah,
kalau saudara hendak seronok dan bahagia untuk sepanjang hayat, majukan manusia...

what i want to say here is about the enjoy and happy that someone can achieve when becoming a teacher, and it can be achieve for the rest of a teacher life. to my self and other teacher out there, our job is more enjoy and happy than a party, a vacation and a garden...
so keep up the good spot, and love your profession...
credit to all my teacher, my friend and all teacher wannabe...

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