first of all, i am not dead(yet) and this is not an entry from the grave(suspicious title right) just i have recently end my life as a student @ trainee teacher at IPG KSM and now begin my life as a unemployed person,hehhehe...after this i will end this miserable life, and begin my life as a teacher, insyaallah...well, life must go on right...
and sorry for not updating my blog for the last couple day, because i still in the sad / lazy mood. and i forgot to wish to all Muslim reader a HAPPY AIDILADHA...hope that our sacrifice will be accepted by Allah S.W.T...
also on Friday my friend and i have been to dungun to attend a long time no see friend wedding, iratul ikmal...i went there with my buddy, nordin & shahril and we do have a quality time together,heheheh...we have a lepak2 time at pantai near the UiTM dungun(i dunt remember the name), solat jumaat at Masjid UiTM dungun...then of to the wedding...the bride is so lovely, wearing a gold colour clothes(i dun know what type of it,hehehe)...i hope iratul & her husband will live happily ever after and dun forget to get child asap,hehehhe...
on 5 december, i will of to putrajaya to attend a wedding of my friend, IPPM student, one of my online best friend,heheeh...and i almost forgot, my classmate, duan & hayati also have engaged yesterday and will get married on next mid year holiday...huhuhu...when i think it back, when will be my turn? i hope it will just around the corner, which corner? i dun know about it yet,hehehe...but i think i will take june or december for my is in the holiday, so many of my friend wont have any excuse not to attend the ceremony,heehhehe...
i think it is to much to all human being who will get married before the end of this year, i will pray for your happiness, and long last relationship...may the force be with you,heheheh...
some pic to be share...
on 5 december, i will of to putrajaya to attend a wedding of my friend, IPPM student, one of my online best friend,heheeh...and i almost forgot, my classmate, duan & hayati also have engaged yesterday and will get married on next mid year holiday...huhuhu...when i think it back, when will be my turn? i hope it will just around the corner, which corner? i dun know about it yet,hehehe...but i think i will take june or december for my is in the holiday, so many of my friend wont have any excuse not to attend the ceremony,heehhehe...
i think it is to much to all human being who will get married before the end of this year, i will pray for your happiness, and long last relationship...may the force be with you,heheheh...
some pic to be share...
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nordin, shahril, iratul & me... |
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my lovely fren, duang lang n yatie firdaus... |
p/s: what is more important?the date or the day?friday or 20.11.2011???
bile hang nk kawen der???
akhir tahun ni kah??
salam singgah der...
kawin tu memang nak, tp ongkosnyer xder lagi...kena kumpol dlu...pastu br leh kawin...insyaallah kalu smpai jodoh, berkawin la ambe...demo plop biler nok kawin????hehehhe
siap dgn link yg tak taan tue...hahaha
senang skit kalu ader saper2 nak berkenalang dgn mu,heheheh...
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